Thursday, June 13, 2013

Woodchuck, Weasel, and Wombat

Newest acquisitions, siblings
and Weasel...
...are joined by a new kitten of about the same age named Wombat.

Woodchuck and Weasel are quite friendly, Wombat is a little more skittish, and has a tendency to hiss and spit when surprised or overwhelmed.  It took about a day to get them warmed up to each other, but they are all about the same age (about six weeks) so they are pretty adaptable.  None of them exactly relish being held; they are all wiggle-worms.  Nevertheless, when tired, they all are happy to pile on and snuggle on my lap.

Weasel seemed perfectly normal when I first took him home.  I picked him up, then noticed that he was missing something.
Half his hind leg.


It must be congenital, because there is no sign of trauma or recent healing.  The end of his stump has a small pad area, which just about correlates to the pad on his 'normal' paw, and it is mostly covered with fur.

He manages brilliantly considering his challenge, but if you observe closely, you can definitely see a bit of a balance issue at times, and he has more of a problem launching himself up onto furniture, etc.  I'm worried that it may present more of a problem as he grows, as his legs lengthen. I also worry about his 'adoptability', but he is a gorgeous orange tabby, and absolutely adorable.Sometimes, thankfully, the special needs kitties are more popular than the other ones.

I usually clip the kittens claws, at least the front ones, to help counteract some of the physical trauma suffer acting as a 'human cat tree', but with Weasel I don't have the heart. He seems to use his claws more than his companions, at least when playing with me, which might be a compensation effort.

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